Saturday, September 25, 2010

An Easy Read: Zoo-Wee MAMA!!!

Yesterday, as I was about to go home from work, I saw a book on top of my co-TL's desk. It was a copy of one of the popular books these days "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" by Jeff Kinney.

Apparently, TL Chris forgot to bring it home with her. It might get lost just lying around on top of her table so I just brought it home with me.

After my Friday night out with a few of my friends, I came home Saturday morning still not sleepy. So for lack of anything else to do (I'm done with my Twitter, Facebook and Blogger update), I picked it up and started to read.

Photo from:
ZOO-WEE MAMA!!! Two hours have passed and just like that, I'm done with the 217-page book. I'm not just sure if it was that the book was an easy read or that it has been such a long time that I picked a book that I gobbled the first one that crossed my path.

The book is intended for middle school kids struggling to fit in any of the cliques around them. It empowers the average kid to stand up on his own and be proud of what and who he is. It is definitely not a book for me, especially when our school system is completely different from that in the US.

But anyway, as I said, it was an easy read. With the cartoon drawings and all, no wonder it is selling fast. Comparing it with this though...

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I'd choose Pugad Baboy.. always!! Proud to be Pinoy...

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